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Apply now & Admission guide


The new academic year begins in late February or early March in Korea. It is possible for international students to apply twice a year for admission to Hallym University.

For undergraduate admission:

Admission undergraduate apply now & admission guide
Information Dates Notes
Spring (March) Semester Admission First Round
Mid to late November (application window approximately 7-9 days)
You must apply online, using the Uway online application system. You must then pay the online application fee and post your printed application and supporting documents to the Hallym address given. Hallym must receive your application before the close of the application window for your application to be considered. Please note that any supporting documents sent with your application cannot be returned.
Second Round
Early January (application window approximately 7-9 days)
* Please note you can only apply during this period if you already have a D4 or D2 student VISA *
Fall (September) Semester Admission First Round
Late May to early June (application window approximately 7-9 days)
You must apply online, using the Uway online application system. You must then pay the online application fee and post your printed application and supporting documents to the Hallym address given. Hallym must receive your application before the close of the application window for your application to be considered. Please note that any supporting documents sent with your application cannot be returned.
Second Round
Early July (application window approximately 7-9 days)
* Please note you can only apply during this period if you already have a D4 or D2 student VISA *

Scroll down to the 'INT'L Students' section and click on Hallym University. You can only apply for Hallym University during the active first and second round application periods.